• The Palette always stays in front of the score window. It holds musical symbols that can be “picked up” and deposited into the score, and it holds the object-selection (solid) and symbol-dragging (hollow) arrows. • Choose a symbol from the palette by clicking on it. Then click in the Score window at one or more places where you want that symbol to appear. Some symbols, when clicked in the score, bring up a dialog box requesting more information; this is indicated in the palette by a tiny “...” in the lower right corner of the symbol’s square. • To get the selection arrow pointer back again, click on the arrow symbol in the palette or hit the Enter key, or (if you have “mouse shaking” turned on) shake the mouse. • The palette can be dragged, resized and zoomed in the usual Macintosh way, like other windows, though the tiny “grow” and “zoom” icons look a bit different. • You may rearrange symbols in the palette. To do this, hold down the Option key while dragging a symbol to a new location in the palette. The replaced symbol will swap places with the one you have just moved. When you quit Nightingale, it will ask if you want to save the customized palette; if you agree, it will be saved in the Nightingale Prefs file, along with your Preferences and NightCustomizer settings.